Product Types
Product Types
Product Types
Acrylic Sheet
Fiber Glass is made by obtaining about 10~23§­ of minute inorganic fiber and clustering them hundred of times depending on the usage. The inorganic fiber is produced by melting and pasturing the carefully selected glass raw materials at high temperature between 1,500 ~1,600¡É. Then, the fiber is compounded with other materials and is widely used as aviation materials, construction materials, automobile components, sports equipment and etc. There are many types of Fiber Glass classified according to its composition and E-GLASS is mainly used as a hardener for FRP (FIBER GLASS, reinforced plastic).  

Types and Characteristics of Fiber Glass
1) E-GLASS Also known as Non-Alkali Glass, contains less then 0.8% of alkali.
The most generally used hardener for FRP with outstanding electrical quality (MAT).
2) C-GLASSE Alkali Glass with excellent acid resistant quality is used as acid solution filtration or hardeners for acid-resistant vessels (SCMAT).
3) ALKALI RESISTANCE GLASS Generally used to reinforce cement. Glass made of Alkali Glass is called G.R.C. It is best not to use Alkali with E-GLASS or C-GLASS since it segregates after a passage of time.

CLASS/Types SiO©ü Al©üO©ý CaO MgO B©üO©ý K©üO/Na©üO Usage
A 72 0.6 10 2.5 - 14.2 General use
C 65 4 14 3 6 8 FRP Hardener requiring acid-resistant
D 72 1 1 - 23 2.5 Electrical use
E 54 14 21 2 8 0.3 FRP Hardener
S 64 25 - 10 - 0.3 For sealing